University of Puerto Rico in Aguadilla
English department
My Educational Philosophy
To me school is a place for learning and higher education is a means to a goal, school to my students should be a center for them to learn. It should be type of place where people who wish to learn go to enrich their love for knowledge and education. School’s main purpose is to provide a proper place for children to apply their needs for learning and becoming more independent. I am teacher that believes my role is to become a mentor, a guide for my students to use so that they can enhance their education. My views on how a school should be managed and how to make it place where students wish to be and want to learn in, is on how to keep it visually and socially interesting for my students. By this I mean that students learn most when they are
interested; when they feel that genuine attraction to the area where they will be.
The goal I set for my classroom is so that it will try and be dynamic, with openness and to make it so students want to continue learning. As a teacher I am open to help students and to guide them., my goal is to help students understand the value of education, proper attitude and help them grow in meaningful ways. My role is to provide my students with the tools they will need to progress further in their education, and also show them how to reach proper independence and academic growth. These are the aspects I feel most important, for students this is what I believe will give students the edge when it comes to situations later in their lives.
I feel that teachers need to be mentors even when outside of their schools, you never know when you will meet one of your students outside of your classroom so being a mentor even when not in school is a very important skill for me as a future teacher. Being fully prepared no matter where I may be, the teacher’s job does not just end when the school bell rings it continues. My philosophy is to give my students all that they will need in the future to reach a level of independence and professionalism. When in my classroom I wish to understand all my students; this being their strengths and weaknesses. I feel that having a deeper understanding of what makes my students happy and what does not, what interests them and the thing they feel no
interests towards is highly important as it gives me a clear image of what to provide them with so that they may learn more and feel more enticed to come to classes and apply themselves.
I wish for my classroom to be a place where students feel at ease and that they want to learn in it. As a teacher I will provide my students with all the tools they will need to reach their goals and aspirations. Having a deeper understanding of my students is a goal I wish to set up from the beginning of classes as it gives me time to update my methods and provide my students with a more personalized teaching method. As an educator I feel the need to be a leader and a provider for my students, it is through these methods that where aforementioned that my educational philosophy is composed of. In a summarized sentence my philosophy is that of careful observation of my students, learning what will give them more motivation towards learning and slowly apply them so that they learn and can reach a higher level of independence.