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Class Work

INGL- Introduction to Linguistic Theory 4205

Linguistic landscape Exam
Reflection on linguistic landscape

Intro to Computers in Educ TEED4018

Educational game 
TEED 4018
Reflection Educational game

Ciencias Biologicas II 3002

CIBI-3002 Sarampion Aleman
Reflection Sarampion Aleman

Evaluation in Secondary Education EDFU 3017

Multi Genre portfolio
Reflection Multi genre portfolio
Lesson plan for Story "Water"

TEED 4038- Productivity Programs for Microcomputers

Written Tutorial TEED 4038: Evernote

Written Tutorial TEED Reflection

Back to School Webquest presentation

Back to School Webquest Reflection

EDFU 3001 Human Growth and Development 1

School visit paper

EDFU 3007 Sociological Foundation of Ed

Ensayo biculturismo

Reflection EDFU 3007

EDES 4006 

Visita de escuela

Reflection EDES 4006

EDFU 4019 Philos Found of Educ

Thomas de Aquino

Reflection EDFU 4019

TEED 3008 Audio visual aids in educ

Comparar y contrastar la educación audiovisual

Reflection TEED 3008

INGL 3425 Teaching writing

Classroom presentation 

Reflection INGL 3425

INGL 3231 Advanced composition 

Music and education INGL 3231

Reflection INGL 3231

INGL 3227 Phonetics

Phonetics presentation

Reflection INGL 3227

INGL 3205 Gram Charact of English

Deductive and inductive

Reflection INGL 3205

INGL 4327 Young adult literature 

Maus presentation

Reflection INGL 4327

TEED 3035 Integration of Telecommunications in the Classroom

UDL graphic organizer

Reflection TEED 3035

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